Telefonica O2 Looks to Ericsson to Deliver on 5G Energy Plan

John Byrne, Service Director

Summary Bullets:

• In a report released in August, O2 explained how 5G technology will help it reach its goals for 2025 – and well beyond.

• The report calls out the vital role of its primary infrastructure partner Ericsson in helping it “Break the Energy Curve” as it rolls out 5G for O2.

UK operator Telefonica O2 put its ‘green’ stake in the ground in March 2020 by announcing plans to dramatically reduce carbon emissions across its business and network by 2025. In a report released in August, O2 explained how 5G technology will help it reach its goals for 2025 – and well beyond.

In the new report, O2 made the case that 5G will play a crucial role in four key vertical markets – i.e., utilities/home energy, transport, manufacturing, and healthcare. Among the report’s headline findings: Continue reading “Telefonica O2 Looks to Ericsson to Deliver on 5G Energy Plan”