Amdocs Analyst Day: Can Amdocs Assist Operators in Meeting a SIMmering Challenge to Their Business Models? – Part One

Ron Westfall
Ron Westfall

Summary Bullets:

  • At the Amdocs Analyst Day the advent of software SIM technology, such as AppleSIM, which allows users to select service plans from their mobile devices and avoid physical swap outs of SIM cards proved a major theme. The new technology creates competitive and business model uncertainties for operators.
  • The Amdocs portfolio of products and solutions can prove well-suited for driving operator adaptability to the long-term competitive implications of software SIM technology.

Amdocs recently conducted its Analyst Day event, including its vision of key OSS/BSS-related market trends over the next few years. Amdocs addressed how potential disrupters could derail operators in capitalizing on emerging core trends such as adopting new modes of operator business and integrating catalog innovations. Amdocs identified software SIM and on-device innovations as a potential major disruptor to operators leveraging core trends to their competitive advantage. Continue reading “Amdocs Analyst Day: Can Amdocs Assist Operators in Meeting a SIMmering Challenge to Their Business Models? – Part One”

AT&T Analyst Conference – The Three Networking Things Vendors and Carriers Need to Know

Jason Marcheck
Jason Marcheck

Summary Bullets:

  • AT&T’s Consumer Industry Analyst Conference was held in Atlanta on November 2 and 3, offering network analysts a peek into the strategies of one of telecom’s most influential market makers.
  • AT&T, rightly in our opinion, views virtualization as the key to maintaining cost parity with OTTs and other, more nimble SPs.

I had two personal epiphanies at AT&T’s 2014 Consumer Industry Analyst Conference (CIAC) earlier this week in Atlanta. First, Atlanta is a great city for a quick business trip. It has a temperate late fall climate. Getting to/from the city is fairly easy. It has a preponderance of cheap, nice hotels and features a deep-rooted mastery at frying up extremely tasty southern cuisine. Second, carrier conferences are an infrastructure analysts’ equivalent of finding money in the pocket of one’s jeans. Continue reading “AT&T Analyst Conference – The Three Networking Things Vendors and Carriers Need to Know”