Qualcomm, the Server Supplier: Not Quite as Funny (or Easy) as it Sounds

Peter Jarich
Peter Jarich

Summary Bullets:

  • Qualcomm announced a plan to move into the server space at its 2014 Financial Analyst Meeting
  • While ARM expertise will play in Qualcomm’s favor, it may take a while for that to matter to buyers

Last week, Qualcomm used its 2014 Financial Analyst Meeting to signal an entry into the server market. You can be completely forgiven for not paying attention: it doesn’t seem like the media picked up on this much, and the notion of Qualcomm – a vendor known best for supplying silicon into mobile and connected deices – moving into a crowded server chipset space might seem like a typo or misunderstanding as much as it does a business reality. Continue reading “Qualcomm, the Server Supplier: Not Quite as Funny (or Easy) as it Sounds”